Friday, February 26, 2010

February 26th

Emma got a new playhouse/dollhouse for her birthday.
Daddy had fun putting it together.
One happy little girl.
Isn't it great how they always like the box more than the toy?
Can't tell if this is loving or tackeling.
Neither kiddo took a nap today because they were playing hard with their friends but Emma crashed out about 5 minutes after they left.
Ethan wasn't too far behind.
They are so precious when they are asleep.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Emma birthday and Car Show.

Happy 2nd birthday to Emma! Here is her snow white cake.
Blowing out her candles.
Gotta love the snow white outfit.
There were a lot of people here, and some of them were even dressed up.
What a pretty princess.
And the evil queen.
This little princess didn't need a costume.
Grumpy and Pappy. (By the way, the hats were my fist sewing project, and they actually turned out ok.)
Emma opening her presents, while snow white is on the tv of course.
And of course we had to get a baby snow white doll.
Nice pickle there Scottie.
Garrett won the prize for most creative costume.
Emma and Bailey in their chairs.
One happy princess.
Emma wearing a dwarf hat.
Ethan with a Shelby Mustang (apparently a very special car!)
Another Shelby.
Ethan driving Bumblebee the transformer.
Don't know what kind of car this is but the doors sure are cool.
Ethan and a race car.
Ethan and a monster truck.
A very fancy paint job.
Ethan and the bubble car.
Ethan and a Nascar.
Another monster truck.
A very tired boy at the car show.
Ethan and a cool car.

Emma and a little pink car.
Another cool car.
All three kiddos with a cool pink car.
and yet another car.
Emma and her purse needed thier picture made also.
Trystan joined the picture also.
Ride em cowboy.
Hang on tight.
You can do it, or not.
Another race car.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Christmas pictures (Finally)

I had to finally post these. It took forever and now I have to fish through all of the birthday ones of Emma. I really really need to get better about updating this and do a few a day instead of trying to do 50 at once. Organization: Help me Amy! This is your strength.
Anyhow, all of these pictures are of Christmas.

Silly face time.
Opening Christmas eve pj's.
Emma loved hers, Ethan wasn't as excited.
Trystan liked his since I decided to get him UK ones (yuck!)
Setting out cookies for santa.

Santa presents for Ethan.
and for Emma
and for Trystan.
Our tree.
Ethan's favorite was his race track.
Emma's favorite was her princess vanity.
Ethan trying out his new bike.
Cars, Cars, and more cars.
Trystan opening some cologne.
and more cars.
more cars.
Emma opening her babies.
Emma and her babies.
Ethan also got monster trucks.
Trystan and his Colts hat.
more cars.
Daddy's old.
Emma playing with her makeup.
This whole princess thing has really gone to her head. When we told her it was time to take a nap, she replied "no! princess!"

Trystan playing with his video games.
One of the few days of the year that chocolate is acceptable for breakfast.

Christams morning chaos at Nana's.
Bailey opening a present.
Jamie opening his presents from Nana.Ethan opening his presents from Nana.
Griffin and his new bike.
Emma and Jamie with Grandpa Greg.
Having a little fun playing pass the pigs.
Emma and Bailey in front of Nana's tree.
Getting ready to open presents at Papaw Butch's.
Candace and Chris opening their new microwave.
Princess Snow White.
Ethan and Morgan playing cars.
We had a pajama party at Mamaw Dolly and Papaw Frank's.
Mamaw and Papaw getting everything ready.Uncle Griffin with Bailey and Emma.
Madison playing with her ipod.
All of the grandkids (notice Ethan managed to escape from this picture. He was playing cars!)
Love the face Uncle Griffin.
Looking good Grif.
The Frey family (and Ethan did want to sneak in this picture.)
Joe and Dane having a good time.
They had to have thier picture made together also.
The boys little laser lights out of the gum ball machine were the biggest hit of the night.

Hey there Papaw Butch, having a good time?
Emma making funny faces.
Emma's not really happy and starting to melt down now.

Papaw Frank is having a good time.
Not real sure what dance this was but it sure was fun.
Joe and Joe.
Mamaw and Papaw opening our gift to them.
Ethan playing in his room.
I think he really likes his new race track.
There is his "are you talking to me?" look.