Friday, April 25, 2008

Our First Blog, April 25th

Well this is our first go at this and I am not promising anything spectacular. Some people update daily and that would be a nice goal, BUT I am making no promises, I will do my best. I guess that I will begin by sharing a few of our favorite recent photos and see how things take off from here. The first one above is actually from today. This is Ethan planting flowers at Julia's house. What you don't see here is him digging them back up which he later did.
This is also from today. Trystan is our newest superstar. He was Juliet in his school's play "The Magical Land of Oz." We are so proud of her, uh, him.

This was actually Tuesday of this week at the zoo. Emma really enjoyed the train ride, as you can see. I really enjoy putting hats on my kids, as you can see.

This is another zoo pic. We will have many of these since the zoo is one of our favorite things to do. There is a really cool field of these lillies that I like to take his picture in.

These next 3 pics are from the air show a few weeks ago. The first picture shows Ethan just moments after we got there. He wanted to leave because the noise was so loud. He changed his tune pretty quick but that is why he has so much stuff on his ears, not because he was cold, although it was cool, but to keep the noise down. He even stole mommy's ear warmers.
Ethan and Julia keeping warm.
Trystan and Kyle, after Kyle woke up!
Once again at the zoo. This is Ethan's favorite part of the zoo, the train ride. He loves it, but he still holds on really tight to mommy's pants, especially when we go through the "really long tunnel."

This is one of my favorite's. The kiddos were pooped. We had been down the street at Tyler's 2nd birthday party and Ethan hadn't had a nap. They both crashed pretty hard.

Here are Daddy and Ethan having a snack on the counter. Ethan thinks that it is really cool to sit on the counter with Daddy.

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