Saturday, October 11, 2008

October 11th

Mommy snuggling with Emma at bedtime after a long day at work and a long evening with school work at home.
Monday Mommy took the kiddos to the zoo right after work. We rode the train first. Since Emma is sitting up so good now Mommy wanted to get a picture of the 2 of them sitting together on the train. As soon as Ethan became aware of what was going on, he was screaming and afraid that the train was going to leave without his Mommy. Emma just thought he was crazy as usual.
Emma helping Mommy cook.
Friday night, Mommy watched Jamison and Bailey while Uncle Griffin and Aunt Jill went out until Papaw Butch could come take over for the remainder of the night. When Papaw got there and told Jamison to get ready to leave, Ethan insisted on going as well. Papaw thought that would be fine. This is what 3 car seats in the back of an F150 looks like. The grandkids are taking over Papaw's house.
Don't they just look so innocent. What Papaw doesn't know is what they are planning for once he is smart enough to take all of them to his house. Ethan only stayed until after Daddy's volleyball game. When the game got out, Mommy called to say we were on our way and I believe Papaw was ready. Both the boys were taking turns poo pooing the potty and screaming while Mamaw Jayne was trying to get Bailey to sleep.
Oh, and Emma is now officially on the move! Watch out. We have really got our hands full now! Here comes trouble. She is just too cute though.
Today, Mommy got up early with Ethan and took Mamaw Ann to the mall with us to buy Emma and Ethan an outfit from Gymboree. We also played on the boat and bought Mamaw lunch for her 80th birthday which was Thursday. We haven't gotten to do anything with her yet because her schedule is just packed full. She is such the social butterfly now days. Ethan woke up dry again this morning and has just about all week. We have really been working hard with him on the potty training thing. We are putting him in big boy underwear when we are at home and he even wore them to church on Wednesday night. Today he went all day without an accident! We are so proud of him.
Funny potty training story of the week. One day this week (couldn't tell ya which one, they are all just a big blur) Ethan woke up crying "help me mommy, help me" at 2:00 am. When I went in there he still seemed half asleep and I asked him what was wrong. He said that he had to go pee pee potty. I told him no that what he needed to do was go back to sleep. I know, big potty training no no but I really thought that the kid was asleep and I am still used to him pee peeing in the night. He insisted that No, he had to go pee pee potty so I got him up and took him to the potty and he went and then he went straight back to sleep and then woke up the next morning and said again that he needed to go potty so I took him again. He woke up dry. He is really doing good.

This is a video of Emma crawling and pulling up on the dresser. Two of her newly acquired skills. We are still just hoping that the whole walking thing is still in the distant future. We would like her to at least wait until after her first birthday. Neither of the boys could wait until their 10th month milestone but we are keeping our fingers crossed none the less.
The next video is of Ethan watching Nascar before going to bed. "Boogedy boogedy boogedy boys let's go racing!"

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