Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Today is Christmas Eve and we are all so excited. Today started off pretty slow just hanging around the house. Daddy had to work. But then the evening was packed full of fun preparing for Christmas. One of the things that we did was make Christmas cookies for Santa. Ethan had a lot of fun doing that.

We also exchanged presents with Benjamin. They both got "Grape Digger" monster trucks. For those of you unaware, it is actually grave digger but Ethan doesn't know better and calls it grape digger and we like that better anyhow.

Santa made a surprise stop at our house to give presents and tell the kids to be sure to be good and that he would be back after they all went to sleep at night.

Ethan was the one that ran to the door to answer because he thought that it was Benjamin. Boy was he shocked at what he saw. This was the only time I have ever seen him truly speechless. He was stuttering around and just in awe.

Emma joined in with the fun of making cookies. She really liked the icing.

Benjamin liked the icing best. Right off of his Mommy's finger.

They had fun making their cookies. They all had a lot of icing and sprinkles.

Emma had to do a little tast testing. The cookies got her approval. They are good enought for Santa.

Benjamin and Ethan making their cookies.

At our house we always have a tradition of opening one present on Christmas Eve. It was pajamas for the kids (also a tradition). Emma liked watching Mommy and Ethan open Mommy's present. She got ear warmers.

Trystan got Pj's also. He was really excited because they were Triple H.

Ethan now officially loves opening presents. He even liked his new Pj's. His and Emma's were a lot alike.

We tracked Santa on the internet all day long. The boys were looking to see where he was one last time before heading off to bed.

Trystan and Ethan setting out cookies and milk for Santa.

All three kiddos in their new Pj's.

Emma is such a pretty present. She is even smiling for the camera and showing off all those new teeth.

Here she is also showing off another new trick, climbing stairs. She can climb all the way to the top. She can also fall down them pretty good. Watch out world, here she comes.

The video is of Ethan and Santa. He is so excited for Christmas. For the past several days, he has come into our room and woke us up announcing how many more days until Christmas. Christmas Eve confused him because when he woke up this morning. He thought that it was Christmas morning. We had to explain to him that Christmas Eve means the day before Christmas and that he had one more day. Oh, the magic of Christmas. Now let's all TRY to get some sleep. Big day tomorrow.

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