Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December 9

I know, it is December and it has been a while. That seems to be the trend with the business of the holidays, anyhow, my daughter made me slow down a little. Mommy got a call at 8:20 this morning at work that she had to get home because Emma had pink eye. Off to the doctor for the 3rd time in 3 weeks. Anyhow, there are a few of my favorite recent pics.

These are from the birthday party for Jesus at church. Shep really likes his cupcakes.

This picture is from Friday evening after Mommy and Tracy had been up since 3:00 am shopping. We were very tired here and it was showing.
More birthday party for Jesus pics.

Emma's first time playing musical chairs. She did really well.

We went to see Santa on Saturday. All 3 kids sat on his lap and told him what they wanted. No one cried, not even Trystan.

This is what a few hours at the mall does to little kids. Ethan and his cousin Sarah on the floor in the mall.

This was really cute. Ethan, Sarah, and Benjamin were in a "band" and they played music for hours on Saturday night. They even turned it into a marching band and paraded around the house.


Tammy said...

Emma looks preciousin that dress.. is that the 2T ? It fits her good if it is.

The Locke Family said...

Thanks! It is the 12 month one. We had her pictures made in it. I will show you when I get them.