Saturday, March 7, 2009

March 7th

Today was a beautiful day and as soon as we heard the weather report, we decided that we would be outside all day. Ethan had a haircut appointment this morning and then we went for a bike ride to the park all around the park, up to the top of the park, and back down and around our neighborhood. We were gone from about 12:00 until around 4:00 and it was wonderful. We rode to the.
Ethan and Emma in the trailer. Emma cried a lot again. She better get used to this because the rest of us love riding.

Daddy in his bike helmet.
Mommy and the kids eating our picnic lunch at the top of the park. We rode first to the top and had a picnic and let the kids play at the park there. It was not crowded at all here because people can't drive up here. You have to ride a bike or walk and it is a long up hill walk.
Emma coming down the slide with Daddy.
Ethan talking in the megaphone.

Mommy and Emma sliding.
Ethan had a fun time playing on the playground.
Emma's favorite part was the picnic lunch. (Amy, she reminds me so much of yours in this field!)
After we played at the playground at the top, we rode down (it is so much easier going down) and then let the kids play at the big playground at the bottom. It was really crowded there. Then we rode home and rode around the neighborhood. We also decided that we were going to grill out so our friends Phil and Scottie brought there boys Brady and Caleb over to play and eat and then Daddy went to their house to help Phil fix his car (they are still fixing his car right now actually. They will be awful tired at church tomorrow, especially with the time changing tonight.)
Mommy learned one thing new today, spin class has really gotten her in shape. It was a lot easier riding and going up the hills today than it was last time we rode! That was awesome. Daddy said that Mommy should pull the kids next time because she was leaving him in the dust going up the hills. In his defense, he was pulling about 100 more pounds up the hill than she was.

1 comment:

Four Better or Four Worse said...

You look so skinny in these pictures!