Monday, June 8, 2009

June 8th

It is now our first full week off of school and this is the first log we have so far. These pictures are actually from about the past week or so. Daddy and I took the kids up to the school playground to burn some energy the other night. Ethan climbing the rock wall. He was able to do this all by himself. Him and Emma are both little monkeys.
Ethan and Emma at the top of the slide.
Ethan going across the monkey bars, with a little help from Daddy.
Emma taking a break to pose for the camera.
Saturday Mommy took the kids up to 2 car shows. The first one had a police display with a little car and a helicopter. Ethan liked getting in the police car.
Ethan and Morgan driving the helicopter. We met Morgan and Uncle Chris and Aunt Candace at the car show. Uncle Chris put his mustang cobra which Ethan calls his race car in the show.
So, you might now be wondering where the great big dog came from. I did to. We named him snowflake. He was roaming the neighborhood all day Sunday and then when they boys decided to feed him and walk him, he didn't want to leave our house. Besides being about 150-200 pounds, he would make a great pet. Absolutely beautiful, but...
they had to say goodbye to their new friend "snow man", you just can't call something that small snow ball or snow flake. Way too big.
Tonight Ethan helped Mommy water the plants. Not real sure what he was watering way up there but, it turned into watering each other.
Ethan taking a drink.
Spraying in the air again.
Emma checking out the flowers.
Mommy liked this picture for two reasons. First of all, loving the nightgown. This is her first gown other than the newborn ones. Second, this is showing how Emma is our littlest monkey. She climbs on everything (remember, she is the only one the has climbed out of her crib). She really likes to get on top of tables and other things that can be her stage like the fireplace and a variety of toys. We are working on this.

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