Thursday, November 20, 2008

November 20th

Ok, so the pictures are out of order again. I just don't get it. I do it the exact same way every time and it ends up different every time. I think that this thing just has a mind of its own. Anyhow, these are pictures of Ethan's first day at Child's Day Out. He has started going this week at our church. His alternative is to stay at home with 4 women (no offense Deanna) so he really likes this break. His teacher said that his first week went great (he only goes on Tuesday and Thursday.) His highlight was going to the office. Now this frightened Mommy a little at first. Then he explained what he did in the office and Mommy realized that he was referring to the computer lab because they go to computer on Tuesday. He also likes going to the gym which they do everyday. He has met a new little friend named Nicolas. There are a total of 8 kids in his class (including him) but the only name that he has learned so far is Nicolas.
The picture above is of Ethan in Ms. Stephanie's car. A big thanks to Stephanie for letting Ethan hitch a ride to school everyday. Ethan was so excited about taking his lunch. He helped Mommy pack it the night before. I wish he would have eaten a little more of it though. Almost all of it came back home. He said that he didn't get to finish eating because they said that it was time to go. He is used to being able to lounge around and eat at his own pace. I think that he did better on Thursday eating. Another funny thing, when we are getting his lunch ready and his bag packed the night before, he gets so excited about going to school that he thinks and really wants to be leaving right then. Mommy has to explain to him that it is dark out and it's not time for school. He says that he wants to go anyway and then Mommy has to explain to him that his teacher is not there. He is reluctant to accept this but finally does. It makes it easier on the mom when the kids are excited about going.
Here is Ethan in the front yard getting ready to get in the car and go to school.
Here he is eating his breakfast. He was excited so he didn't eat very good.
This picture was from tonight. We went out to the store and it was snowing. We had to bundle Emma up real good. She fell asleep like this in Kroger and then slept the whole time there and in Toys R Us.
This picture was from Tuesday night. Mommy went out to help her friend April register. She is expecting her first, a boy, and is due right at the same time Mommy was due with Emma. Mommy took the moby wrap and the snuggli and the baby. Emma was our test baby so April could see what she liked. Mommy is ordering April a Moby wrap for her shower gift now.
Here is Ethan again on his first day of school in his classroom. When he first got there he was checking out all the new toys.
The first thing that the kids have to do when they get to school is put away all their stuff. Here is Ethan putting his lunch on the shelf. His teacher is Ms. Kim. You can see her foot here. We will have to make sure to get a picture of her next week.

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