Wednesday, November 26, 2008

November 26th

These are some pictures from Tuesday afternoon. Mommy took the kids out to try to get some cute pictures of them in the leaves. You also gotta love Emma's hat.
I think that this one is my favorite.
This one is a little more realistic though.
Ethan was having fun jumping on his brother instead of sitting still on him for a picture.

This is what Mommy has come to call Emma's whole face smile.
On Sunday we had Thanksgiving with one side of the family. There are all the grandkids, Mommy's generation, sitting with Mamaw and Papaw.
Now these are all of the great-grandkids. One had escaped from this picture because there are 6 of them ages 3 and under. Christmas will be really fun this year. The best part is, Mamaw and Papaw had three boys and 8 out of 9 of the grandkids came from Papaw Butch's kids (Mommy's dad!)
Here is Emma in her fur coat. She is a little ice princess.
Emma likes to play her piano.
Saturday, Mommy had a girls night gift exchange at a friends house and took Emma so that the boys could put up Christmas lights. While Mommy was getting ready, Emma thought that she should also. Cotton balls probably don't taste that good though.

Here Mommy was trying to get a picture of Emma's new teeth. You can see the one on the top. She is getting them in in a odd order. She has the top left here but no top middle teeth. She has her two bottom middle teeth and now has gotten two more on the bottom right side. She also has two more trying to come through. Getting 5 teeth at once has been a little challenging.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Hey Christy--I emailed the bread recipe to school email. I couldn't remember your home email.