Saturday, November 15, 2008

Novembewr 15

I know, this hasn't been updated for over a week so here we go. The picture above is from today. We had our first fire of the season. This was Emma's first fire ever. She really liked it. We are going to have our hands full this season with her wanting to get into everything.

Here are all of the kiddos sitting by the fire.

This picture was from Wednesday night. The Kingsbury clan all came over to meet DeAnna. Brian was having a lot of fun helping Ethan build a track. I have a feeling that Ellie will have some of these soon.

Here is a picture of our new couch. We are trying to upload a video tour of the basement but it is having some technical difficulties.

Here is another pic of the basement.

Ethan gave the new couch the official seal of approval, it passed the nap test.

Daddy and Ethan even had a slumber party down there. Daddy starts his new job tomorrow so we are trying to get everyone ready for the day tomorrow. Ethan also starts child's day out on Tuesday. Wish us all luck.

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