Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 15th

Last night we decided to go down to Ohio Valley to watch some race cars (Ethan's favorite thing to do.) The Rodger's called us to see what we were doing and when I told them, I heard Bill laughing out loud, literally. But, as you can see, they went with us. We went to eat at Fazoli's first and there was no screaming involved and all the kids ate there food. It was amazing! Ethan was even a good sport and let Paige and Logan take turns feeding him.

The kiddos in their man muffs at the track.

Emma isn't much into the cars so she just uses this time to get in a good nap.
Logan and Tiffany watching the cars. I really liked this picture of Logan with his thumb in his mouth, his "baby" (the blanket) and his mommy. He would take his thumb out of his mouth long enough to tell you about how loud the cars and motorcycles were.
Today Daddy wanted to get the oil changed in all the cars and the kids wanted to help. Here is Emma under Tyler's car.
Joey teaching Tyler how to change his oil in his car. He got his license yesterday and now needs to get his car ready to drive.
I guess learning how to change your oil for the first time can be fun.

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