Monday, May 25, 2009

May 25th

These pictures are from the week, which I will go ahead and say was exhausting. The picture of Emma above pretty much shows how we all felt this week.
This is our cousin/niece Morgan. Mommy really liked this picture.

Morgan and her sister Madison.
Uncle Chris and... the boat.
Mommy even helped out with... the boat.
Why such hesitation to speak of the... b-word... (really can't even stand the name right now). Well, just let me tell you why. Daddy started working on the boat LAST Saturday and worked on it every night all week long until Sunday. He would come home from work (days that he went in to work) and go straight down to Chris and Candace's (where the b*** is housed) and not come home until sometime after midnight. This past Saturday (day 8) was the worst. We really hoped to take it and put it in the water this weekend. Daddy worked on the boat all day Saturday really trying to get it ready to at least take it to the water for a few days. Problem after problem and we will just have to try again in the next few weeks. Mommy was so stressed and tired she called her friend Tiffanie Saturday night and Tiffanie could tell the stress level Mommy was at and she insisted that the kids and I come over for dinner and to hang out. Mommy just told her that she really needed adult interaction and the kids really needed to play with someone other than Mommy. THANKS SO MUCH Tiffanie! That helped alot. We walked up to the park after dinner and we even bathed all the kids there and came home (around 11:00) and they were ready for bed. When we discovered that the boat just would not be ready this weekend, Daddy decided to take a well needed break.
Sunday we slept in and got the much needed rest we all needed. No one woke up before 9 and my little sleeper Emma didn't wake up until after 10:00. We ran a few errands and then headed over to Brian and Tracy's house for a bike ride. We rode from there house and down to the bike path that goes around the whole city and down past the boat docks and to Mike Linnings for dinner. It was a round trip ride of 19.78 miles.
Brian, why are you sitting alone. (This could be because he had cokes spilled on him 3 times in a row!)
The whole crew eating. Down the right side of the table are Kyle, Rachel, and Emily. Down the left side are Trystan, Tracy, and Daddy. Ethan was already done eating and on the playground, Brian was sitting alone and Mommy was taking the picture. The kids (bigger ones) did really good on the ride. They were leading the pack the whole time.
Emma posing in Daddy's sunglasses.
Today we got up early and went downtown for the Mayor's semi-annual Healthy Hometown Bike and Hike. It is a 16.46 mile ride downtown, across the second street bridge and back and then to the park and all over the west end. We went with Brian and Kathy (Mommy's work wife aka job share partner. We are moving stuff in together now and it is just like a marriage. What is mine is yours. We even get to share a lap top!) The total ride today was 20.76 miles. The kids (little ones in the trailer) did OK. Emma had a little break down in the west end/portland area. Mommy discovered a little stinky problem in the diaper area and had to pull over and change a diaper on a sidewalk in a very questionable part of town. That was a first. Overall they did really good. So did all the adults. Mommy and Daddy are pretty tired though. We rode about 40 miles in less than 24 hours!
Ethan and Emma ready at the starting line. We told Ethan that it was a race and so he was ready to go. He kept asking where the finish line was though.

Brian and Kathy ready to take off.
Mommy and Daddy before the ride.
This is what the inside of the trailer looked like. On the floor we have a combo of fruit loops, puffs, and goldfish along with a binky, a baby doll and a few cups. That is what 2 kids confined to a trailer for a couple of hours looks like.

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