Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 9

Today we got up and went to Nana's house to swim. Ethan and Emma both wanted to jump off of the diving board. Mommy had to catch Emma and so Ethan thought that it would be fun for Mommy to catch him too. This usually resulted in him jumping on Mommy's head. It was fun though. Then we came home for naps and Mommy got to go to the grocery store alone after Daddy got home from work. That is always fun.

After dinner, Ethan and Daddy rode their bikes around the neighborhood. Ethan is doing so good on his big boy bike without training wheels. We are so proud of him. Mommy and Emma tried to do a walk in the wagon. That didn't last very long because Emma wouldn't stay sitting so we ended up just going to Stephanie's house and talking to her and Tyler for a while.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Wow he can answer hard questions AND ride a bike at the same time! I'm impressed! I can't even do that!