Wednesday, May 14, 2008

May 14th

These are pictures from a few weeks ago when we went to the zoo with Jill, Brody, and Molly. Brody and Ethan got to feed the giraffes. I really found it interesting that in the picture below, the giraffe's head is as big as Ethan's whole body!

These are the pictures of Ethan on our walk tonight. What a trooper little man was.

Ethan on the playground at the zoo yesterday (left) and in the splash park with Jamie (below.)

Ethan trying to get a drink at the splash park (left) and watching the rhinos with Jamie (below.)

We have had a busy week so far and it is only mid week. Mommy had to work Monday and we spent the evening in a frenzy. Tuesday mommy took off work and we went to the zoo with Aunt Jill, Jamie, and Bailey. Tuesday night was also rather crazy as we thought that Trystan had a golf match which it turns out that the coach could not get a tee time so, no golf match (mommy did not find this out until AFTER she woke the kids up from nap (yes, both of them were asleep in their beds at the same time), put them in the car, and drove up the street a little!) Anyhow today mommy had to work again, only 6 more days and then home free! We went to mission friends and then went for a walk. Ethan decided to try to ride his scooter. Our street is over a mile long circle. I didn't even think he would make it half way and the little booger made it the entire time. He even went up the hills. When Joey would try to help push him he would say "No daddy, I skate." He is a determined little thing. We also got some great news today. Grandpa Greg is coming home on Friday at 11:40 pm. We get to stay up really late and go see him at the airport. He has never met Emma yet. "We can't wait to see (and meet) you Grandpa Greg!" Ethan and Emma are now staying with Amy while mommy goes to work. Ethan had gotten in touch with his feminine side. He has learned to play Barbies and dress up. There are pictures of him on Amy's blog in Dorthy red slippers. What is it with my boys and dressing like girls?

Funny story: Ethan was questioning relationships the other day. He asked if I was daddy's mommy. I told him no I was daddy's wife. He replied "what's a wife?" Although I could list all of the wonderful things that compose a wife, I simply stated to him that is what you are when you get married. He said "I'm married." "Oh really, who is your wife?" I asked him. I could just see his little wheels turning in his head. "Julia, she has geo trax." He paused for a moment then continued, "she has a white train, and I have a white train." There you have it folks, marriage 101. That is the secret to a perfect marriage.

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