Sunday, May 25, 2008

May 25

We went to church this morning where they had a Memorial Day service and the Lord's Supper. We also put Emma in her own Sunday School class for the first time. We got her out for the service though. She also slept in her own bed last night for the first time (she had been in the bassinet.) She is getting too big too quick. She will be 3 months old on Tuesday. Where has the time gone? After church we went to Six Flags with Grandpa Greg, Garrett, and Sean. Above is a picture that Mommy took of Trystan and Garrett getting off of Grease Lightning. Mommy and Ethan were riding the Tin Lizzy's when Mommy took this picture.
Here are Daddy and Ethan riding the hot air balloons.
Ethan loved flying the airplanes. Mommy wasn't as thrilled because that gun on his right side made quite a loud annoying sound.
Ethan taking Daddy for a spin in the yellow monster trucks. Of course he wanted to ride in the yellow one. That is his favorite color.
Look at that concentration as he drives. He is trying to make sure that his car doesn't make that same sound that daddy's makes on Palatka when you run off of the road.
Mommy, Ethan, and Emma on the carousel. This is Emma's first ride.
Daddy and Ethan on the roller skate. It is a kiddy roller coaster. Ethan said that he was not scared, but that it went really fast.
We really wore Ethan out today because he didn't have a nap before we went to Kentucky Kingdom. He said that he really had a good time though.
After we got home, mommy and Emma went to the grocery while Daddy and Ethan took Trystan his clothes so he could stay the night with Garrett. Then it was off to bed for 2 tired kiddos. Here is Daddy reading a good night story to both of them. They both look so engrossed in this story.

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