Friday, June 13, 2008

June 12

These are some pictures of Trystan that I got off of the camp website. The picture above is the whole group that went from our church but there were a lot of churches there and over 550 people total.
This picture was from Monday, I believe.
This picture was from Tuesday and he was on some sort of giant slip and slide. I am sure that he will have lots of good stories for us soon.
Back on the home front, we went to Kentucky Kingdom today (yes, I know there is a pattern here and we seen to go on Thursdays.) The picture above is Ethan wearing a life jacket so we could go get in the wave pool. I might add that there was no fit or even complaining involved in the wearing of this life jacket. Miracles do happen. This was quite a turn around from this morning. We went Father's Day shopping and were looking for cards in Walmart. Ethan screamed the entire time we were in the store. He was very grouchy and took a nap before we went to Kentucky Kingdom (or else we weren't going!)
Here is Emma in her stroller at the park.
Ethan enjoying the swings.

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