Friday, June 13, 2008

June 13

Today was a big day for all in our household. Trystan came home from camp and seemed very excited. He had a great time. All the counselors said that he was really living it up, I am quite sure a week without parents will do that to you. This morning Mommy was doing a little laundry and left Emma on her playmat in her room while she went downstairs to put a load in the dryer. Emma was on her back when Mommy left. The picture above is what Mommy came back to find. Emma rolled front to back about a week ago but Mommy thought that it was just because she was on a soft surface. Apparently she is just getting bigger and Mommy doesn't want to acknowledge it. Bittersweet!
Ethan helped Mommy pull weeds in the front flower beds this morning before it got too hot. He was such a big helper. Later in the evening, Mommy went out to dinner with some of her friends and then back to Ms. Peggy's house (our children's minister) to watch a chick flick.

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