Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 22

This afternoon we decided to go out to Kentucky Kingdom but we got stuck in the middle of a down pour. Ethan got to ride the race cars and we got to play in the water park for a few hours so all was not a loss but we did get soaking wet. Here is Joey after we ran to the car in the rain. Notice the water drop hanging from his nose.

Trystan and Kyle nice and wet in the back seat. Ethan was worn out since he did not get a nap today (we went right after church.) He has assumed the position. This is his "I am sleepy, put me to bed" stance.
Here are some pictures of the basement. Drywall is almost all up and things are moving along quite nicely. This is one of the steps and the lights going down.
This is looking into the office from the doorway.
This is looking from the back corner of the great room, up towards the stairs.
This is looking back into the great room from the bottom of the stairs.


The Judds said...

It is coming along. Just think of all the extra room you're going to have!!!

Four Better or Four Worse said...

It's starting to look like a room!