Sunday, September 14, 2008

September 14

These are pictures that we had made Saturday morning. We went for Ethan's 3rd birthday but Mommy wanted a picture with all 3 kiddos. Ethan did so good. Mommy was solo this weekend because Daddy was off with the other men from church doing a mission project. We are still trying to figure out why Mommy scheduled pictures for all three kids while Daddy would be gone!?!
The photographer that we got was awesome. He kept up with Ethan, and Mommy!

He is big now. By the way, today is one week and still no binkie!
Daddy built Ethan a swingset for his birthday. Here is Ethan helping with his drill, just like Daddy.
Friday night, Mommy also decided that it would be a good idea to take the kids to a ball game without Daddy. Mommy's friend Amy and Ethan's friends Julia and Kat came with us. The staff had tailgating before the game and the kids had a really good time. They got really messy though. Mommy had to clean the bathroom after she cleaned the kids.
Here is Chelsea cheering at the game. Ethan and Julia thought that the cheerleaders were really cool. Ethan said that they danced.

Here they are trying to dance like the cheerleaders.
Emma in her Sunday dress playing, what else but, cars. If Mommy wants to keep her the girlie girl then we need to not let her play with cars quite so much.
And of course Ethan also playing with the cars. Those are his favorite. We stayed inside most of the day today because we had some really bad wind storms. In fact, Mommy doesn't have to go to work tomorrow because of it!!!

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