Saturday, September 20, 2008

September 20th

Today we had a birthday party for Ethan. Mommy made him another race car cake. This one actually had details on it though. Daddy did the bottom layer with chocolate icing and Mommy did the car. The party was a lot of fun. We ordered pizza so Mommy didn't have to cook. The weather was great and everyone had fun playing outside.
Ethan and his friends Benjamin, Skylar, Jamison, and Tyler eating at his party.
Tyler and Samantha driving the power wheels and blowing on the party favors. Everyone got party hats, blowers, and hot wheels tattoos.
Ethan blowing out his candles with his friends looking on.
Ethan opening his presents with a little help from Jamison and Benjamin.
Benjamin helping Ethan open more presents.
Ethan opening his present from his brother. Trystan was very proud because he picked it out and payed for it with his own money. He really is a sweet big brother.
Nana and Grandpa Greg got a big boy bike for Ethan. He really loved it!

Emma, Trystan, and Emily on the swingset. Of course it was a hit at the party.
Emma finally fell asleep in her swing, aka her thrown.
Ethan on his bike with a blue ring pop and punch ball. He later had a blue mouth to go with his ball, ring pop, and bike.
Mamaw Jayne with Emma and Bailey.