Saturday, September 27, 2008

September 27

We have had a busy weekend so far, and it will continue that way. Last night we went to the football game at Mommy's school and then went down to the race track. We only stayed until halfway through the second quarter at the game. Mommy actually got to watch a little of the game unlike last time because Daddy was there also last night.
As usual, Ethan loved the cars at the race track. He was a little spastic about his ear muffs though. They kept sliding off and he would yell at Daddy to hold them on. He was very tired.
This is Trystan's soccer team. They played their final game on Thursday. They did not win but they all played very good.
This morning, we took the kiddos over to the park where they are having a car show this weekend. This was of course more for Ethan than Emma. He wants to go back tomorrow. Here he is with the Hulk car.
Tonight we went to the mall and out to dinner with Mommy's whole family for Uncle Garrett's 13th birthday. We went to PF Chang's. We had never been there. It was nice. Ethan of course wanted a salad. He tried his best to eat his salad with some chopsticks, but it wasn't very successful and he made a mess.
Here is Emma, just being her normal, good sweet self.

The whole gang.
This is a rare shot. Ethan allowing Nana (or anyone for that matter) to hold him. He still isn't taking naps often since losing the binkie so he gets really tired early. I didn't say he goes to sleep early, just that he gets tired early.
While at the mall, Ethan bought his Halloween costume. Of course, a race car driver. Would you expect anything else?

This video is of Mamaw singing in the car. She rode out to dinner with us. She didn't know that Mommy was recording her. This is a song that Mommy remembers her singing when she was a little girl. Although, this is not how I had remembered it. Who knows!

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