Saturday, July 12, 2008

July 10,11

On Thursday we kept Benjamin home from school so that he could play with us. He liked not having to go to daycare and Ethan liked having his buddy over. They wanted to go outside which then turned into playing in the water. They were playing a game where one would sit on the side of the pool while the other went down the slide and knocked the first one into the water. They though that was so much fun and did it over and over.
Emma sat in her bouncy seat very briefly while we were outside. She is starting to roll over in the seat now, which as you can imagine, is very uncomfortable. I think these soon will be a thing of the past for her.
Benjamin and Ethan put the goggles on and they looked so cute, Ethan took them off too quick for me to get the camera. I think he is tired of Mommy snapping pictures of him everyday because he doesn't look at the camera much and Mommy has to be really quick to catch him. Forget about posing, that is just out of the question now, as is smiling.
Ethan was ready to go in and eat lunch. Here he is all wrapped up in his towel.
Since Emma is getting tired of the bouncy seat, Mommy went downstairs and found the Exersaucer. She didn't really know what to do in it but it seems to be better than the bouncy so far.
On Friday Mommy took Ethan to a park at an elementary school by our house and then ran some errands. We came home, took naps, and then were supposed to camp out in the back yard with Jamie. He ended up not being able to come over so Ethan played with Benjamin instead. Mommy and Tracy went out shopping with Emma while the boys stayed home and got in the pool.

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