Monday, July 7, 2008

July 7

Today Mommy watched a friend of hers little boy Skylar for the first time. He will be coming over to play at our house every Monday and Tuesday this month. They had a great time playing cars, connect four (as seen above), trains, and playing outside.
Emma even enjoyed playing with Skylar today.
Today was also full of firsts for Skylar, he had his first Spagetti O's. He became acquainted with "the Chef." He is a lunchtime staple around our house. Skylar preferred his veggies and burger.
Here is Emma in her gown for bed. Daddy finished eating a popsicle and Emma decided that it would make a great toy.

1 comment:

Four Better or Four Worse said...

A 5 year-old who has never had spaghetios!?! That's a first!