Monday, July 21, 2008

July 20,21

Sunday we took it easy and visited with our company. Cici, Aunt Kim, and Aunt Peggy stayed until around 2:00 and then headed back to Georgia. It was a very short trip but it was great to get to see them. Above, Aunt Kim is catching on quick to Emma's likes and dislikes. She likes when the popsicle is in her mouth, and dislikes when you take it away.
Ethan had a big day and never even got out of his pj's. He poo pooed on the potty again today!!! Mommy let him wear a pull up instead of a diaper since he had used the potty. He didn't want to put his pj bottoms back on because he wanted to show off Lightning McQueen on his pull up. In the picture above, he was under his bed playing his guitar.
Future rock star!
And now for Monday, Trystan had to get up really early and go to soccer practice at 8:00. He was in the kitchen making breakfast and in his groggy state said "Mommy, I told you that I didn't want to go to the morning practices, just the evening ones!" Yeah, fat chance. Coach, ya know, 8:00 is just not my cup of tea! Anyhow, he went to am and pm practice, and the best part, he survived. They do have a strict practice schedule but he'll adjust. In the evening, we took our new boat over to Benjamin's house and he and Ethan had a good time playing in it. Ethan was in and out but Benjamin played in that thing for probably at least an hour. This thing has just been a great investment considering that Mommy got it off a clearance table at the grocery store 75% off.
Emma in her nightgown, getting ready for bed. We were trying to get everyone in bed a little earlier tonight because Mommy has to work in the morning (and she is not happy about it!)
Who ate all the cheetos? Not Ethan.

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