Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 8th

This morning Skylar came over to play again and we headed out to the zoo. His Nana also came with us. We had a good time but boy was it hot out today. The pictures below is of Emma sitting up on Mommy and Daddy's bed. She is holding onto to Mommy's hand but her balance and strength are getting so good. Mommy doesn't really like this picture because she looks too much like a big girl. All of the milestones that she hits will all be bittersweet since she is my last baby. This picture is of Ethan, Trystan, and Skylar going down the slide together.
They really had a lot of fun playing with this today. They would press a button and water would spray out at them. They would run and scream and then do it again.
Here they are playing with the same thing again.

Trystan giving the seal a hug. This thing did the same as the other and they would once again make the water spray out and then run.
Here they are in the gorilla house. I don't know what it is about this box but all kids love to climb in and on it.

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