Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 22

Today Mommy had to work (big frown!) and Daddy stayed home with this kiddos. When Mommy came home, this is what she saw. It's good to know that some things are the same whether Mommy is here or Daddy is here. We both love to cuddle with them. Emma woke up from her nap but was still tired so she fell back asleep while cuddling, until Mommy started talking, then...
she jumped ship. Mommy came home and both kids were asleep. Within 15 minutes, they were both awake and on top of me. It feels good to be missed, especially when you don't want to be gone from them to begin with. (Hopefully this won't last too long!) Mommy made a comment to Daddy just days ago about how they both always want to be touching me. When they are playing, they want Mommy to be within arms reach. It is sweet.
Ethan and Emma actually played something together for a little while. Mommy had to build Emma her own tower because she kept reaching for her brother's and wanting to knock it over.
She is sitting up for a while now in her boppy. She is getting too big too quick.

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