Friday, July 18, 2008

July 18

Today we went to Kentucky Kingdom and Trystan and his friend Kyle wanted to go watch a wrestling thing they do on Friday nights. Trystan said that this guy in the picture above is John Cena. Mommy wouldn't know the difference but apparently he is pretty cool. Trystan also said that what he is doing is called the five knuckle shuffle.
Trystan says that this is a move that he really likes. It is John Cena and Lance Cade.
This is the Iron Men and one of their sons, according to Trystan and Kyle.
Meanwhile, Mommy, Daddy, Ethan, Emma, Uncle Griffin, Aunt Jill, Jamie, and Bailey were at the water park. Here are the girls enjoying the water.
Mommy, Daddy, Ethan and Emma in the water.
Ethan going down the big green slide. Mommy didn't even have to catch him. He is a big boy he says.

Ethan and Emma in the stroller. Emma is getting so big. She likes to sit up in the stroller so she can watch everything that is going on.
Ethan rode the bouncy ride for the first time today. He really liked it but wanted Daddy to ride it with him.
Kyle spent the night last night and is again tonight. He got braces a few days ago and is showing them off in the picture above.

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